
The government hikes petrol prices by Rs19.95


The government hikes petrol prices by Rs19.95

There were reports reported in the news on Tuesday that the government had announced in line with its earlier announcement on Monday that petrol prices will be increased by Rs19.95 per liter with immediate effect, confirming the earlier announcement from the government.

The Minister of Finance, Mr. Ishaq Dar, has revised the current petrol price from Rs275.95 per liter to Rs272.95 per liter. This is a reduction in price from the original Rs275.95 to Rs272.95 per liter. This has greatly affected fuel prices in our country. Today, an open market report has been released earlier this week as an update to the previous report. The report states that the open market price of diesel has increased by Rs19.90 per liter over the past week, as a result of the current price hike.

This story from The Hindu suggests that the price of diesel for the upcoming year will be Rs272.90 per liter, up from Rs257.50 in the previous year, while the price for high-speed diesel will be Rs273.60 per liter, as he revealed in an interview with The Hindu a few days ago.

There has been a rise in oil prices around the world in the past 15 days, as information provided by the minister of finance indicates, based on data provided by the minister of finance from financial institutions around the world, according to information provided by the minister of finance on oil prices around the world in the past 15 days. There has been approval of this plan by Deputy Prime Minister Sharif.

It has been reported that Mr. Ishaq Dar, in response to reports, has outlined plans to raise petrol prices in the national interest. This he feels will serve the national interest.

There is no doubt that the IMF's commitment to this program is well known and has been well documented by the IMF, the economist said.

As far as petrol prices are concerned, we discussed with the Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) the possibility of an increase in the price of petrol, which was discussed between us and the oil company concerned.

The recent rise in petroleum prices has resulted in a significant increase in demand for petroleum products in the last two weeks. As a result of this, the price of petroleum products has also risen significantly, resulting in an increase in demand in turn. MS (Petrol) price during the month of July fluctuated between $89.14 per barrel on 16th July 2023 and $97.39 per barrel on 31st July 2023, indicating a fluctuation in the price of the commodity throughout the month due to the fluctuations in the demand for the commodity during the month. According to the latest reports, the price of high-speed diesel has gone up significantly from $96.26 to $111.46 over the past 12 months, which is a significant increase compared to the previous price of $96.26.

There's no doubt that the oil prices in Pakistan have a direct impact on the oil prices on a global scale on a daily basis. It is expected that this will have an impact on the domestic market as well. Because of this, it is inevitable that domestic prices are going to rise as a consequence, because the government cannot physically control them at any point at all, and therefore they cannot be controlled by the government at all. The country, which can be found in the South Asian region known as Pakistan, is located in that region of the region known as India in South Asia. A notification published by the Ministry of Finance on Friday stated that, as a consequence of these factors, petroleum product consumers will be charged higher prices from the 1st of August 2023 onwards. The notification stated that these factors are expected to continue in the future, so consumers should expect to be charged higher prices for petroleum products from the 1st of August 2023 onwards.

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