
Darbar Ganj Baksh data Lahore

Darbar Ganj Baksh data Lahore

Darbar Ganj Baksh data Lahore

There is no doubt that the Sufi shrine in Lahore (Punjab, Pakistan) is the largest in South Asia. This stupendous Data Darbar Ganj Baksh Lahore is home to the remains of a Sufi saint from Ghazni in present-day Afghanistan, Ali Hujwiri, who is also known as Data Ganj Baksh, who lived during the 11th century AD. The Data Darbar Ganj Baksh is located in the city of Lahore

This is Lahore's holiest place, where the Urs Festival is held annually.

Location of Data Darbar Lahore

There is a Data Darbar in Lahore's center, which is responsible for maintaining the data. There are several attractions nearby, including the Lower Mall Road, Bhati Gate, Gawalmandi, and the Karbala Gamay Shah Temple, which are all within walking distance.

History of Data Darbar Ganj Baksh Lahore

Near the shrine, there is a mosque - built in the 11th century by Ali Hujwiri - that is one of the nation's oldest mosques. 

A shrine was built in Mughal culture in order to honor the graves of the Sufi saints, whose burial places were considered symbols of their spiritual power. His buried place was marked with a plaque on the wall. The site was rebuilt as a shrine complex in the 19th century. This link will take you to a report on Darbar Ganj Baksh in Lahore

Shrine Data Ganj Baksh Management

Accordingly, the government of Pakistan enacted the Auquf Ordinance in 1960 to prevent shrine administrators from exploiting devotees. 

In the 1980s, it became one of the largest shrines in South Asia. Aside from libraries, madrasas, police stations, parking lots, and offices for non-profit organizations, he built many things during his rule. 

At that time, a music stage and a free kitchen were added. New markets have been created by the site's massive expansion.

A two-day Qawwali music festival was organized near the shrine in 1992. In the past, it was held next to the shrine but now it is held at a nearby school.

This tomb houses the Mughal shrine Hujwiri. This complex includes a modernist educational facility and a large marble courtyard around the tomb.

Importance of Data Ganj Bakshm in Suffism

This is without a doubt one of the holiest places in Lahore. There are few places in the city where the rich and the poor share space. This shrine is one of the few spots where the rich and the poor meet. Darbar Ganj Baksh (Lahore) data

A beautiful garden, the Shalimar Bagh of Lahore, was built in the 17th century.

Hujwiri spirits rule over all Sufi saints on the subcontinent, and no one can immigrate without his permission. Here is some information about the Lahore Darbar Ganj Baksh

Muslim and non-Muslim visitors visited Hujwiri's grave after a shrine was built for him. Baba Farid, Moinuddin Chishti, Nizamuddin Auliya, Dara Shikoh, and Allama Iqbal visited the shrine of Hujwiri. Nawaz Sharif was Pakistan's previous prime minister.

The Hujwiri critiques South Asian Islam for its use of drugs and dance. The Sufi saints are venerated both by traditionalist Muslims who disapprove of Sufi worship and by reformist Muslims who follow Sufi practice, he explained. Lahore Darbar Ganj Baksh is located in the Punjabi capital

At this shrine, there is a regular performance of the QAWWALI dance form. The illumination of the shrine and the preparation of dinner are two things that are done to mark special occasions. Dancers perform to Sufi music for hours as musicians play Sufi music as they move to the rhythm of the dancers. A Quranic recitation is performed at the shrine's border, and at the same time homage is paid to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as well.

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