
Mohsin Abbas Haider is apologized to by Humaima Malik on air

Mohsin Abbas Haider is apologized to by Humaima Malik on air

Mohsin Abbas Haider is apologized to by Humaima Malik on air

Humaima Malick was invited by Mohsin Abbas Haider, the host of the show, on February 18th to be a guest on the TV show "Public Demand" in which Humaima Malick participated as a guest. She thanked him for inviting her to be a part of the show and thanked him for the invitation. There is a significant point to emphasize here, which is that in a broad sense, she indirectly apologized to him, in a way that implied remorse for the harsh words she had used in the past, as a way of indirectly apologizing for those harsh words she had used in the past.

Humaima Malick's comment left viewers with the impression that she was making a reference to a time when she supported Fatima Sohail's claims of domestic violence against Mohsin Abbas Haider. I am not entirely sure what she was referring to when she made her comment, but I think she was actually talking about the time when she supported Fatima's claims of domestic violence against Mohsin Abbas Haider

most accurate way I can sum up what I have said about you in my life is to say that you have adapted to the times. People have changed, and I have also altered the way in which they express themselves. This is in the same way that I have changed the way in which I express myself," Humaima said as she embraced Mohsin.

It has been reported that him having extramarital affairs with other women is a case that he has been accused of in 2019 after he divorced his former wife Fatima Sohail after she filed for divorce from her husband in 2018. Aside from accusing her of physical assault, he was also charged with attacking her physically when he was caught, so he was also charged with that crime as well when he was caught. While FATIMA was pregnant, there is an allegation that some domestic violence occurred during the time that she was pregnant, which is during the time that the pregnancy was still ongoing.

Humaima and her sister Dua, both of whom have criticized Mohsin's allegations of sexual abuse, have stepped forward to denounce Mohsin for his allegations. There have been a number of revelations in the past couple of days. In a Twitter message, Humaima responded to Mohsin's actions by expressing her opinion about Mohsin's actions and her support for Fatima, expressing her view on Mohsin's actions. There is no doubt in your mind that during the period during which your wife was carrying your child, she was being beaten every day, and this is despite the fact that she was carrying your child in her womb at the time. There's no doubt in our minds that it was the suffering that she suffered that was the cause of this, and that we have seen the pictures that prove it... I am surprised at the way that you are coming out and accusing her of lying as if she is telling the truth... I am ashamed of you, Mohsin! ”

Even though he faced backlash from colleagues within the Pakistani entertainment industry, as well as from other figures in the industry, Mohsin only faced minimal real consequences for the allegations against him. Since the allegations came to light, he has appeared in several Pakistani TV dramas and is currently hosting a talk show on the relatively new television channel Public News, as a result of the allegations.

After Fatima suffered domestic abuse from Mohsin as well as having an affair while they were married, Fatima, Mohsin, and their marriage came to an end after only a few years of marriage. Their son was born together as a result of their union. 

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