
The ECP will indict the PTI chairman on Aug 22


The ECP will indict the PTI chairman on Aug 22

The ECP will indict the PTI chairman on Aug 22

The Chairman of the PTI appeared at the last hearing of the Election Commission, in which he explained the strategy of the party

As instructed by ECP, the chairman of PTI is going to make sure that all participants will be able to attend the next hearing in order to close the report.

The ECP had not issued a bailable warrant in connection with the contempt case against PTI president which he was accused of, and for which he was charged with contempt.

Pakistani Election Commission is planning to proceed with an investigation into alleged actions taken by Imran Khan, the PTI chairman, which will lead to Imran Khan's indictment on contempt of office charges. As part of their investigation into alleged actions taken against him as a political leader on August 22, as part of their investigation into his conduct in politics, the Pakistani Election Commission will also indict the PTI chairman for contempt of office charges.

It was Shoaib Shaheen's lawyer, who represents the leader of the Pakistan People's Party in the Pakistani parliament, who requested that the hearing be postponed from today to next week. The reason was that he requested an exemption from appearing personally today since he did not wish to do so at today's hearing.

The former prime minister left no doubt in anyone's mind that he was about to go to the hospital for a medical checkup since he announced that he has been attending court every day for the last four years, and he was being examined for this.

My opinion is that, if the member of the ECP who attended today's court session was to be believed, then it is safe to assume that the PTI chief would have been required to be present in court in order to indict him formally if he had been there today.

PTI's chairman is expected to be summoned to testify at a hearing on August 22, during which he will also have the opportunity to respond in his own name and on his own behalf, as well as have the opportunity to make his own statement. There is an expectation that the hearing will last at least two hours.

As well as the former prime minister, he was also present at the last hearing of the election body which was led by Nisar Durrani, the ECP member who serves as the chairman of the election panel, along with the head of the PTI and an education minister of the past.

There has also been a request that the chairman of the PTI be summoned before the election commission's bench today, as the chairman was the one who had been summoned earlier to appear before the election commission.

An election commission panel called Shoaib Shaheen and Naeem Panjutha, the chairman of the Pakistan People's Party, to testify in the case back in early September, asked their lawyers to testify in court.

Shoaib Shaheen, the lawyer who represents the four men, explained to me today that it was the media who informed them about today's summons yesterday so the news had reached them today.

There was an indication to be made by Durrani in a recent interview that Nisar Durrani, who heads the PTI, might be liable for charges due to his activities today, according to Durrani.

The last hearing was conducted by Shoaib, the lawyer representing the chairman of PTI. At the end of the hearing, Shoaib informed the ECP that we must wait for them to make a determination on how to deal with our objections before he can make any decision.

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