
Taiwan VP's US visit to be blocked by China

Taiwan VP's US visit to be blocked by China

Taiwan VP's US visit to be blocked by China

In response to Lai's US visit, China threatens Taiwan.

New York becomes a home for overseas Taiwanese.

Taiwan may be the site of Chinese military exercises.

Following the arrival of Taiwanese Vice President William Lai in the United States, China has affirmed its commitment to safeguarding its sovereignty.

Lai made this statement during a brief transit stop in New York while en route to Paraguay.

Taiwan's upcoming presidential elections in January will be attended by Lai, who intends to attend the inauguration of new President Santiago Pena in Paraguay before returning to Taiwan.

Despite Taiwan being a democratic nation, China has consistently criticized Lai's visit as a violation of its territorial claims.

China's foreign ministry released a statement shortly after Lai arrived. It opposed any visits to the United States by Taiwan independence advocates.

Taiwan independence separatist positions are stubbornly adhered to by Lai and he is a troublemaker through and through, the report said.

In terms of China's fundamental interests, Taiwan occupies a position of utmost importance. Taiwan's efforts to attain independence by relying on the United States have repeatedly led to escalating tensions in the Taiwan Strait.

As a result, China is closely following these developments and will take resolute and vigorous measures to protect its national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen, who already faces Beijing's hostility because she rejects the Chinese perspective that Taiwan is an integral part of the country, has been more vocal in her support for independence.

His previous description of himself as a pragmatic advocate for Taiwan's independence has been that he received his education at Harvard and transitioned from a medical profession to politics. Recently, he reiterated the fact that Taiwan is separate from the People's Republic of China (PRC) in an interview with a local television channel.

"Taiwan and China are not subordinates," he said.

On Sunday, Lai expressed his happiness on social media platform X when he arrived in New York. Described as an emblem of liberty, democracy, and opportunity, the "Big Apple" is an emblem of his delight at reaching it.

Upon arriving at the airport, Lai was greeted warmly by representatives of the American Institute in Taiwan. The island's de facto liaison in the United States is this person. On his visit to New York, he looks forward to reconnecting with friends and taking part in transit activities.

During his New York stopover, Lai plans to engage with Taiwanese communities overseas. While he will not be meeting with US legislators directly, he will address the audience during gatherings.

During this delicate time, Taipei and Washington share a subdued approach to navigating potential risks in an authoritarian context.

Chinese officials speculate that military exercises will be conducted near Taiwan this week. Lai's layover in the US may be used to unnerve voters ahead of next year's election. Moreover, conflict concerns may arise as a result of it.

It released a brief video on its WeChat account, which oversees Taiwan. There was an undisclosed location where fighter jets were practicing dogfights. Flight training exercises have been intense recently.

Every liftoff into the skies is treated as combat, a commander was quoted as saying.

The visit comes amid ongoing efforts to improve ties between Beijing and Washington. Wang Yi visited Washington DC. There is a possibility that US President Joe Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping will meet this year.

Chinese military maneuvers near Taiwan have intensified over the past three years in an effort to pressure Taiwan to accept Beijing's sovereignty. The meeting between Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen and US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy in California led to China conducting military exercises around Taiwan.

China responded strongly to Tsai's meeting with Central America upon her return to Taipei.

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