
Mohammed Ali Naqvi is named chief of the PASC


Mohammed Ali Naqvi is named chief of the PASC

Mohammed Ali Naqvi is named chief of the PASC
As an independent committee of international filmmakers, the Pakistan Academy Selection Committee (PASC) is chaired by Mohammed Ali Naqvi, a filmmaker who has been internationally recognized for his achievements in the field.

As part of the Pakistan Academy Awards Selection Committee, one of the most important responsibilities it carries out is selecting Pakistan's official entry by the Pakistan Academy Awards Selection Committee. Pakistan's official entry will be considered for a Pakistan Academy Award nomination.

Taking on the responsibility of representing the committee on behalf of Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy, who has been a long-term member for more than a decade, Naqvi takes over from her.

In 2018, Naqvi was inducted into the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for the first time as a member of the Academy. Naqvi is recognized for his ability to create compelling and socially relevant content. His meaningful body of work was acknowledged as a result of this, and he was given the recognition he deserved. With the release of the documentary The Accused: Damned Or Devoted, he has once again proved that he possesses a deep understanding of cinematic storytelling through this award.

In the remarks he made, Naqvi described himself as being honored and excited about the opportunity to serve as president of the Pakistani Academy of Film and Television. He said that he would do whatever it takes to elevate Pakistani cinema throughout the world.

Naqvi has promised to focus his efforts on assembling a dynamic selection committee, which is already well underway, and he has pledged to make this a priority going forward. There are already a number of eminent professionals that have confirmed their participation in this event. The public is invited to meet the members of our committee, and I am eager to introduce them. There is no doubt in my mind that our combined efforts will help elevate Pakistani cinema to a new level.

Since the beginning of this year, Pakistani cinema has been experiencing an exciting period of growth with the narratives produced there receiving acclaim from both domestic and international audiences alike. With his appointment to the chairmanship of the Pakistani Association for the Promotion of Cinema (PASC), Mohammed Ali Naqvi has begun a brand new chapter in the struggle for the global recognition of Pakistani cinema.

Profile: Mohammed Ali Naqvi
Mo Ali (Mo) Naqvi produced one of the top ten global Netflix Original docuseries of all time, Turning Point: 9/11 and the War on Terror, as one of the top 10 titles worldwide. Furthermore, Naqvi is also a very active member of the Television Academy in addition to being a member of the Motion Picture Academy. An Emmy Award to the Director and Producer was presented to him by the Television Academy of the United States for his work on Showtime's original Shame. Furthermore, he has also produced Emmy-nominated shows such as Between the Believers (PBS) and The Accused: Damned or Devoted? I am currently working on the podcast Insha'Allah Democracy for STARZ, winner of the Asian Media Awards (BBC, Arte/ZDF).

In addition to producing fiction features such as the road trip drama Big River which was selected for the Berlin Film Festival and the independent comedy I Will Avenge You Iago starring Giancarlo Esposito and Larry Pine, Naqvi has also produced documentaries and short films. Naqvi is also involved in a more personal project, which involves Mukhtarian Mai's Women's Welfare Group, beyond his work on screen. It was through his film Pakistan's Hidden Shame (Channel 4 UK) that he played a key role in the establishment of a shelter for homeless children in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP).

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